Monday, November 29, 2010
I've Been Going A Little Bit 70's Lately
This and Pot Noodle, of course.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Gotta Stuff In Those Last Autumn 'Vibes'
Anyway. here's some autumnal choons for you.
It's not much, but enjoy.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Blue-Blooded Murder Of The English Tongue
I can't stop listening to this. All week. I looooooove Jamie T. Him and Hurts and the Prodigy were basically my entire summer.
I'll be honest and say I don't think a whole hell of a lot about British rap in its current form(and, yeah, in basically any of its forms) but this guy's cool. His sound's rather weird, I'm not sure how to describe it, but anything weird is good, right? AND, the lyrics to this are a serious bonus.
"Oh when my love, my darling, you've left me here alone, Ill walk the streets of London, which once seemed all our own".
Nice, Jamie, nice. This album, Christmas list material? I believe so.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Oh, That Band Again...
Yes, it's them again. But I don't care.
Funny folksy intro quickly becoming a dark, catchy dance song. With vaguely Spanish-sounding accents. Make of it what you will.
What I don't understand is, are they actually Spanish or not? I'm getting conflicting information on that point. Whether they are or they aren't, however, this song certainly caught my attention first time I heard it, and I;m sure we'll be hearing more and more of them in the music world as time goes on.
- Naomi
PS; secretly, I just can't stop listening to Love The Way You Lie. I'm way late to pop songs, as this shows. But it's a cool song, ain't it? Electronic items in my house are dropping like flies lately so iTunes is dead. My God it is kiiiiiiiillliiiiiiing me. I need to listen to this song so many times I grow to hate it. Because that is when you know you have found a spectacular pop song.
Anyway. Bye
Friday, November 5, 2010
And I've Never Been Smart With Love
Sleek, sexy, catchy, dark, fun, gorgeous. How on Earth does Robyn do it?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Strangeness and Charm
When I say I don't have details, I would happily tell you a million times over that yes, she rocks live. I didn't have the best seats in the world and I was sort of tired since I'd been trick or treating earlier that day, but the whole thing was electrifying. Florence, get me that second album. also, I wish I was on that mosh pit jumping up and down endlessly to Dog Days Are Over. How that would have made my life.
Also, as you may or may not know, she's been playing this new song. Strangeness and Charm.
Opinions? I'm not really sure. I loved Lungs, but I very much fear her next album will be sounding more or less the same. This song kinda proves it. It's cool, but not overly impressive in my opinion.